Monday, April 22, 2013

Gratitude list

1)  Cute costume jewellery

When I was a child I was a hopeless tomboy and my mother lived each day in hope that she would have a girly girl to dress up one day.  Now that I'm finally interested in sparkly things, she keeps bringing little tidbits home for me.

One of my favourites of late is this pair of faux pearl and crystal wreath studs.  They are subtle and light enough for work but look glamorous and catch just enough light.

2)  Thank god for work

We get lots of stickers to use as incentives for the younger children and for a time, the office gave us these "index seals".  The kids don't like them (after all, who wants to mark the pages of textbooks they never read?) and so I have leftovers that I've finally found the perfect use for - as markers in my own notebooks!

3)  Wai Kit

My beloved just came back from what seems like an incredible holiday in Japan - he was just in time for the sakura, ya'll - and brought everyone in the office a chic minimalist coaster and a Japanese wafer cigar.  

Love letters after Chinese New Year?  Yes please!


Say your peace, yo.

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