Monday, February 4, 2013

Gratitude list: The fundamental things apply

At present I'm reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project.  I don't buy it sometimes - she is vastly privileged and her problems feel minute and contrived, but other times, she has much needed common sense in spades.

In one chapter, she talks about how she is thankful for the special moments that happen throughout the day but tends to take other basic things for granted, like having a roof over her head or personal safety.  It occurred to me that most people are the same way.  I don't think much about living in Singapore (except when it's blistering outside) even though it's one of the most stable places there is.  And I seldom consider my station in life.

So in today's gratitude list it's time to give thanks for the fundamentals.

1)  Family

I don't always think about my family with humility and thanks, but when I do, I see how lucky I am that my parents gave us a loving, stable foundation and the opportunity to live and learn in safety.  When I think about how they struggled to bring the three of us up, working full-time and running a meticulous home, my heart smiles.

2)  My friends

Whenever (and wherever) they are, at sleepovers or brunches or at work or on skype, I am grateful for all the people who look out for me and whom I look out for in return.

3)  The little things

Sometimes, I take the little things in life for granted too.  They can seem frivolous but it is such an honour to have a stable enough life that one has time for frivolity, time to look for happiness in small things like colours or trinkets or small pleasures. 

I don't have to worry about walking the streets at night or my safety.  Instead, I can enjoy silly things like peanut butter cups, a pet dog or these delicious red wedges and it means so much.   


Say your peace, yo.

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