Monday, January 14, 2013

Gratitude list: Fighting Fire

It's been an exhausting week - I always feel like I'm fighting fire - but viewed through the right lens, exhausting can be rewarding too.  

1)  Work.  

Even though I feel lots of stress and time pressure, I also feel like I'm learning new things every day.  I'm constantly pushed to be a better communicator and to figure out new ways to teach and show respect.  The fact that the kids I work with are funny as hell helps.

[Today, I zoned out for a minute during lessons and told my 12-year-olds that foie gras was "liver of the lizard".  They stared at me in horror for a whole minute, believing the French are a whole lot weirder than they actually are (and that's saying something).]

2)  Priya

I lent her my Kindle when she went on her American holiday and she returned it with two beautiful soaps and a chocolate lip ganache.  In general, soap is one of the best gifts anyone can give me and the Gingerbread one is so creamy and deliciously moisturising.

Thank you Priya, you know me SO well!

3)  The fact that M&Ms minis now come in a huge megatube.

Seriously.  Do I even have to explain this one?

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