Sunday, March 31, 2013

Monthly moments: March

March has been a pretty full month for me, from flying to Australia for Becky's wedding to being busy with work and friends.  I appreciate the fullness though, and every moment spent with loved ones was precious to me, so much so that I tried to snap as many memories as possible.

Beck and Marty have a Singapore flag and an Australia flag hanging in their home.  Talk about bilateral ties!

A technically not-so-hot picture but one I love nonetheless because of the pose and the smiles they've got going on. 

Everyone at work went absolutely nuts over Candy Crush.  My friend Rebecca and I spent an inordinate amount of time discussing strategy and one day, at Starbucks, Edie decided to just sit down and start playing.  Not to be outdone, Shirin got on her phone as well and in three minutes, I had joined in.  It was ridiculous, the three of us sitting at a table with our coffees, ignoring each other and frantically smashing candy.

There was a brief period of time where we were all jostling for pole position, but I've since been overtaken violently.  In my defense, it's mainly because they've been deliberately holding back lives and tickets. 

The hot weather has our garden blooming wildly.  I love the sunny, unapologetic colour of our yellow bells.

Banksy worthy graffiti near Little India.  I took this with Little because I occasionally carry my G11 when the DSLR becomes too heavy for me.  For a camera with a severely scratched lens (my fault completely), it's performing admirably!

Our new favourite hangout place.  Edie, Shirin, Amanda and I went to the Next Door Cafe after one of our late classes to unwind and eat platters of cheese and charcuterie.  Never underestimate the power of salami after a long day.  

The staff isn't terribly friendly but the drink selection is pretty good and as a bonus, there is a playground with a pole across the road.  Where we actually roll around at one in the morning.

At the other end of the spectrum, there's coffee with my mother.  We do this about once a month.  We don't talk, just read in companionable silence while sharing a baked good and I briefly feel loved and at peace. 

My first, horrendous attempt at a shorthand letter for Amanda.  I doubt she'll be able to decipher it.  And I doubt I can even remember what I wrote.  Genius!

And finally, an absolutely delicious sushi lunch from a restaurant in Novena whose name I cannot remember.  Each piece of fish was delightfully blowtorched and drizzled with its own individual sauce and every bite was fresh and flavourful, with the exception of that crappy Spongebob-like tamago you see there.

I generally hate tamago and palmed it off on my mother. 

I mean, a sugary omelette?  What the hell's that about?


  1. Can't wait to see what April brings (:

  2. yeah! the sushi looks good!

  3. dear shoe,

    teeline: your vowels terbalik. the sushi looks fabulous. and where do you find those crunchy roasted veggie things? they look very tempting.


    1. hello grace! i found them in one of those... cold storage fair things where they sell stuff outside the supermarket. and how do you mean terbalik?? it's all amanda's fault! :'( xxx


Say your peace, yo.

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