Friday, March 1, 2013

Monthly moments: February

One of the nicest kinds of friends is the kind that you may not get to see very often, but get along with so well that you fully connect with when you do meet.  Stas and I had dessert at Awfully Chocolate and laughed a lot thinking about our Uni days.

We were the two silly arts kids in our Quantum Computing class and almost died when engineering and maths students from all round the world got up and easily finished quantum physics problems on the board.  Eventually, the tutor who found us both endearing and exasperating had to offer us remedial classes. 

Once as we were sitting there staring at the squiggly symbols on the board in his office, he asked what the answer was.  "Tensor Hadamard Tensor," Stas answered, after a moment of hesitation. 

"Correct!" His eyes lit up to see that the idiots were improving.

Later, as we walked out of the science faculty, I asked Stas how she'd known the answer.  "I was just squinting at it for ages!"

She squealed with laughter.  "I just guessed!  I don't even know what the fark a Hadamard is!"

We caught up on other things and shared a darkly sweet cold poached chocolate and my very decadent hot chocolate with sweet cream and a melting truffle leaning on the warm China.  

Here are some other moments that I enjoyed this month.

Bar Stories' amazing octopus wall (apparently a combination of pencil and pen!) and their funky flaming herbs.

I actually hate this sculpture outside the Singapore Art Museum.  I think it looks cheap and easy and shouldn't pass for art.  My family has nicknamed it "Lost His Marbles".  But every time I walk by, I take a photo, just to prove that it's still there.  (The sculptor lives in Serangoon somewhere and once, we drove past his neighbourhood to see a mini version of this sculpture planted on the grass verge there.  Oh, the horror.)

I've been playing so much Candy Crush (I know, I know) that when I was standing idly in the shower, I suddenly looked up, moved my finger down the wall and went, "Oh god I can make the five in a row giant candy bomb thing..." Yeah.  I got out of there at once.

Proper Chinese herbal soup in Soup Spoon.  I know, right?

And of course what month is complete without a fat little fuzzball?

1 comment:

  1. i loved this post! the chocolate yumzz!

    and i liked the picture of the chillies!

    and your exposed candy crush obsession


Say your peace, yo.

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