Friday, October 4, 2013

Portrait practice

I really suck at taking pictures of people.  I love looking at pictures of people, but in front of the camera, many of us are so self-conscious and I'm not thick-skinned enough to force those I know into being subjects.

It's much easier to slowly think about and compose around a flower, inanimate object or even my dog.

I need portrait practice though, and it's hard to find.  Brunch dates with friends are generally good chances to whip out the camera, and even though most friends won't pose willingly (Amanda!), I've found that waiting for a candid moment can have good results.  Unfortunately, I'm really shy about standing around awkwardly, eye to viewfinder, and chatting until the person relaxes.  The few times that I've had the time to do this, I've enjoyed shooting afterwards.  

Priya, Jun and I went out for brunch at Penny University (and stopped by a different cafe for a second drink) recently, and I was grateful that they let me hover around the table and tried their best to ignore me.  

"Tried" being the operative word. 

I am obsessed with taking pictures of coffee.  I know every other cup looks exactly alike, but I can't resist it all the same.  I haven't been to many of these artisanal coffee places, but the latte was pretty good - smooth, fragrant and not too strong.

The girls couldn't stop giggling so I waited for them to get distracted by the menu or their drinks.  I'd like to keep working on portraits, so if I meet you for a meal and seem set on snapping a picture, don't feel too alarmed.

Thanks Priya and Jun, for being so cool.  Also, it don't hurt that you're pretty. 


  1. i have new hipster specs (because someone stepped on my other pair and i didn't think i could carry off hipster specs but it turns out i look pretty damn cute in them) so when am i seeing you next. i just looked at my calendar and realised we were supposed to meet for dinner today but we kinda didnt. oops

    1. I just realised that you were wearing your new specs today and I forgot to tell you that they look really good! Haha... they suit you well!


Say your peace, yo.

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