Sunday, October 27, 2013

Beautiful boy

I have a strange relationship with little kids.  I don't feel a blanket liking for all of them but I very quickly develop a deep adoration for individual little children, particularly those that belong to members of my friends or family and I can spend hours cooing at them and cuddling them.

Recently, my nine-month old nephew stopped by Singapore with his parents and I just about melted from the way he laughed and his precious little seed pearl teeth.

Another baby that I just adore is my good friend's kid, T.  Though Melissa Anne and I met through work, I am offering up a massive prayer of gratitude that we don't work together anymore because we've become much closer since. 

She is the most chillaxed mum I know (I mean that in a good way) and as a result, T is cheerful, friendly, curious and always smiling and laughing.  I love watching them together and seeing how much she cares not only about him, but that he has a fun, comfortable, happy childhood.  She has kept her sense of humour and equanimity throughout his baby days and I thoroughly admire that.

I recently went to visit her at home and was just captivated by T's beautiful masses of ringlets and molten chocolate eyes.  Rebecca once told me that because adults get self conscious when their portraits are taken, she practises on children.  I decided to take some shots of T, who was an exceptional model, and with his mother's permission, I'm posting them here.

And here's a picture of his amazing mother because I love her and I can't wait to see her again.

I know you have no idea who I am yet, T, but I wish you the happiest of days ahead, full of your family, love, cuddles and kisses.  I don't automatically feel that all kids are wonderful, but little buddy, do I ever have a soft spot the size of Texas for you.


  1. Texas Forever.

    1. I dare not question the point of this comment.


Say your peace, yo.

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