Friday, September 20, 2013

Gratitude list: Lately

On Wednesday night, my colleague Rebecca texted me.  "Hey, tomorrow bring your camera," she said, "We can be the designated photographers."

We were having a farewell for a friend the next day and we were eager to capture as many moments as possible.  It turned out to be a lot of fun.  I've never cooperatively shot with someone else before but we ran around together pretending to be from a photography company, ordering our friends around (some of them were more than happy to comply) and saying things like, "Yes, yes, this is my second shooter.".

Games aside, I learned a lot watching Rebecca.  She's been taking photos for a lot longer than I have and has a great eye.  

We were interested in slightly different moments and different angles, and that was why our batches of photos turned out slightly different in a good way.  We have the same Canon body, so we could easily compare what we were doing.

After the party ("it's the hotel looobby"... sorry, going a bit R. Kelly on you there), Rebecca told me she had had fun taking pictures with me and I wholeheartedly agreed.  It's nice to find someone who enjoys doing the same thing and running around and taking pictures and comparing techniques and learning new things (I only found out what a light leak was yesterday).  I love that she is non-judgemental and doesn't tell me how things should be done, like some photography enthusiasts that I've met.  Rather, she's open to discussion and learning and looking at things from different points of view.  

I'm editing the photos from that party now but in the interim, here are some random things that I'm grateful for.

Someone brought my parents a crate of the juiciest yellow peaches.

A visit from a good friend.

Snowskin mooncakes with sea-salt black sesame (!) and champagne truffle (!!) filling.  I got them from the moon cake expo thing at the Ngee Ann City Atrium.  Amanda and I took a special trip to town and spent the afternoon eating our weight in mooncake samples.  It's criminal that this is a once a year thing.

An awesome orange-themed bracelet that my mother made for me.

My parents just got back from their trip to Canada where they were visiting spawn number three.  I was adamant that they not buy me anything because my room is full to bursting, but my mother stopped by the dollar store and couldn't resist getting me this washi-tapealike.  I have to say, I'm loving it.  Imagine that, one (Canadian) dollar!

PS  I tried to make them say "69" in the bottom picture but the backs of the dispensers showed.  Oh, life!


  1. Shulesss, you are so darn cool.

    1. Haha wow, I have no idea who is this, but thanks!

  2. Ah, but the fact that mooncake season is only once a year makes them a much more special treat!

    I had a Krispy Kreme (there was a big promo; they sent many, *many* boxes to the office yesterday) and thought about all the special treats from my childhood that either aren't special any more (fast food, ice cream in general), or are special but even more rare/ nonexistent (traditional powdered sugar doughnuts from the neighbourhood bakery, McDonald's peach sundaes etc)...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You are so right! Now that I work in a mall, I take all the food that we never got back at SPH for granted. At least I can start looking forward to the mooncake festival last year!

      (Aren't powdered sugar doughnuts available at Breadtalk or is that not the same thing?)

  3. Funny story about snowskin champagne truffle mooncakes...

    My husband hosted some of his work colleagues for a mooncake tasting party at our place yesterday. Unfortunately,I missed the festivities entirely, due to a work commitment. This morning, I was rummaging in the fridge for breakfast, and happened upon a fancy box labeled, "Snowskin mooncakes: Salted gula melaka and coconut with dark chocolate center." You better BELIEVE I was all over that.

    ...and then bit into the mooncake. Hmmm...the whole thing was white (no chocolate or gula melaka to be found!), and tasted more...alcohol-y than anything else (this was 9 AM, mind you). I'll admit that I was momentarily extremely disappointed. When I collected myself, and reminded myself to be flexible, I was able to recover and enjoy what turned out to be....a champagne truffle snowskin mooncake!

    1. Holly, I laughed out loud! That is an awesome story! I keep reading and thinking that the mooncake had turned out to be spoilt or the quality was just plain bad. Have to say though, those salted gula melaka ones sound like the friggin' bomb!

  4. A vertical flip of the picture would get it to read 69.

    1. O_O I did not think of that. But then it would not be *authentic*.


Say your peace, yo.

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