Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A couple things

Last week was lots of fun.  Because the 'rents were out of town, I got to do whatever I wanted, swanning round the house like a Duchess.  (Full disclosure: when they're away, I pretend I'm the Queen and sleep in a different bedroom every night.  The best nights are in the giant king-sized bed in the master bedroom.  I toss and turn with abandon and wake up feeling delighted.)

I also got to spend lots of time with my friends, including a long overdue book-binding tutorial with colleagues where I made this.

Now, I like to journal and I like to draw, but I can't do crafts to save my life.  I'm one of those irritating people who can't cut paper in a straight line, even with a guide.  I briefly entertained origami one long-ago Christmas morning and ended up shredding neon paper and flinging it violently at my mother.  (She's crafty.  And smug.)

So for me, at least, the bookbinding session promised to be a disaster.  And you know?  It wasn't half bad.

It started off a little shaky, but I think once I got the hang of the strokes and how tightly I should be pulling the thread, I managed to make a somewhat decent piece of stationery that I would probably use.

We used the coptic stitch, which means that the book will lie flat. 

It's too complicated for me explain via text and we had Rebecca actually giving us directions, but there are plenty of videos on YouTube and it's how most people learn.  The clearest video I can find is this one which has a great view of the steps and some good instructions.  All you need is a needle with a large eye, thick thread, paper to fold into signatures, and covers.  We used some plain 100gsm stock and for covers, I cut up a cereal box.

Speaking of boxes, the first round of Project Box also ended last week.

As I said here, Rebecca, Amanda and I decided to start sending some good old-fashioned mail to each other in the form of a themed package every month.  Instead of writing letters, we planned to design a package of presents, artwork, photos and other bits and pieces.  This month's theme was "Greed" and I sent my package to Rebecca.  In turn, Rebecca was supposed to give hers to Amanda and Amanda, hers to me.

When I opened my mailbox to find one package from Rebecca and one from Amanda, I was first confused, then worried that we had gotten our wires crossed and that Amanda was receiving nothing.

To my surprise, Rebecca's package came with two pictures in a frame, a red pen for Teachers' Day, and a note that said:

This is my interpretation of greed.  Putting two photos in one frame.  
Sending two packages when you're only supposed to send one.

I thought it was a very unexpected twist on the theme.

Her brother, an animator, drew the second picture.  She didn't say it, but I know that's me being greedy over a massive pile of sweets.  Rebecca knows I'm a chocolate fiend and we spend ages at work lolling around the pantry and teasing each other with, "How many calories do you think this cookie is?"  (Amanda said hers was a girl surrounded by piles of clothes and handbags!)

Amanda's, as I suspected it would, employed washi tape to generous effect.

She made me this awesome piece of washi art that I've displayed on the porch with my mother's favourite cat statue.  I was especially touched that she'd used loads of her favourite red and white washi tape - ostensibly the one she's most greedy over.

This month's Project Box theme is Blue.  I'm meant to send something Amanda's way and I've already started planning it.  Hopefully it works as well!

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