Friday, July 5, 2013

A present from my mother

A couple of weeks ago, four pairs of my best work shoes (flat, comfortable, suited to hours of walking) gave out in one fell swoop.  I'd been wearing them throughout my journalist days, walking door to door and in the rain.  One pair even followed me to the UK where I slipped and slid around in slush so I suppose it should've been no surprise that bits of rubber started coming off them and giant holes appeared in the heels.

Thankfully, my mother had vouchers for Isetan and I managed to replace them with three pairs of similarly comfortable kicks!  

I think though, that these are my favourites...

I love the smoking slipper shape and the gold crest on the front makes me feel like I'm the Earl Rothschild of Wickbyshire-upon-Twickenham Spa.

They're by Aerosoles and true to name, the soles are velvety cushions.  I feel like I should have a pipe by the fire and hunting dogs at my feet every time I wear them.

Instead, I took them out with cropped jeans, a cotton shirt and military style jacket to watch Man of Steel.  Well, that's two hours of my life I'll never get back.  Just sayin'.


  1. My little shoe secret is that nearly all my work shoes (which take the most abuse) are from Bata: it takes some work, but you can find gems that are incredibly comfortable and durable. True, I've had the heel rubber on one pair repaired about four times in the last four years -- but they've lasted four years!

    1. I love the Bata designs but the ones I buy just fall apart quite quickly! How do you tell which ones will last?

  2. Very cute. But do you have a secret for wearing flats in Singapore? All the flats I brought here (that I wore successfully in the US), cause me no end of blisters in this heat & humidity out here...

    1. Hmm wow, I've never really thought about it before! I just wear plasters on the blister forming bits until they break in. I kind of assumed they were par for the course... do people not get as many blisters in the US?! Mind blown...


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