Sunday, December 15, 2013

Too much monkey business

I spent my Saturday on a five kilometre hike at MacRitchie Reservoir and I didn't shoot as many pictures as I would've liked, but I thought I'd share my favourite one anyway.  

The monkeys there are so freakin' cute and they make adorable mewling noises as they gather round, but the moment one bared its fangs at me, I turned tail and fled shrieking "Rabies!  Rabies!" in my head.  

Thank goodness for long lenses!


  1. Hahaha! It's OK - unless you start flashing sandwiches, they'll usually keep their distances. And if not? Just go all alpha on them. Foot stamping. chest puffing, posturing works pretty well to convince them who's boss. :)

    1. Ooh what kind of posturing? I just kind of flattened myself against the railing and tried, guiltily, to sneak past!

    2. Nooo! You have to show them who is boss. So put on a really cranky face, stamp your foot, puff out your chest, and give them a firm "NO!" Basically, just prove to them that you're the alpha. =)


Say your peace, yo.

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