Monday, August 12, 2013

Zoo Part 3: Tapir

Maybe it's because I'm such a giant dope myself, but I love creatures that look dopey and a little bit silly.  It's why I'll always pick a whippet over a golden retriever and llamas and capybaras and naked mole rats over tigers or leopards or polar bears.  Nothing is so endearing to me as an animal with an idiotic face. 

In this department, I am deeply fond of tapirs (preferably Malayan, please).  Sure they're largely docile and interestingly-coloured, but what I really love about them is how much they look like a giant sock puppet.  

While I was going through my zoo pictures, I realised that I had taken more pictures of the tapir than most of the other animals and decided that it was time for a small tribute including a badly-written, grammatically incorrect, cringe-inducing ode to the tapir that is as silly as the animal itself.  Enjoy, perhaps?

Best-in-show in the zoo is the tapir,
Of no animal I could be sappier.
Bewildered and mild;
Floppy, yet prehensile.
His white ear tips could not make me happier.


  1. Ah. I was waiting for this. I did not think you would go to the zoo and NOT see tapirs. ;)

    1. Haha! I thought of you when I did! They are right near the exit so they were the last exit I saw and thank goodness one was eating. SO CUTE.

  2. A lovely ode! Although, I appreciate most tributes to nature-y things, so...I'm not the harshest critic. Thanks for sharing. And the photos are terrific! We have a friend visiting in September, and your recent photos have made me even more excited than usual to bring her to the zoo! :)

    1. Awww thank you Holly! Have an awesome time at the zoo and tell me which exhibit you like best! I didn't manage to see the pandas but then again, I'm not a panda fan so this black-and-white guy was good enough for me :D


Say your peace, yo.

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