Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I'm back from Krabi and I'm happy to say it was an amazing trip.  Everything was very slow and quiet and perfectly measured.  We spent the rainy moments indoors and even when we were lying out in the sun, we did everything at our own pace.  

If you're reeling from something - a break up or loss or rough times in your life, I strongly recommend gathering a couple of your most chilled friends and just heading for a place where the water is ridiculously blue and food is cheap and spicy and piquantly delicious.  If you can do it, it really helps.  

Other things I learned while on holiday included the fact that I have the discipline to write anywhere if need be.  Melissa and Jonathan (whom I went with) were incredibly understanding and supportive and sat and knitted and watched TV in the hotel late at night as I tapped the words out.  I got most of my words in places where there were no distractions or the only distractions weren't visual in nature - while getting a foot massage or during the crowded wait in an airport. 

Three days more and it looks like I'm actually going to finish this thing.

Finally, a quick instagram of something I really enjoyed during the holidays - while walking along the street in the dripping aftermath of a monsoon shower, we spotted a hole-in-the-wall Black Canyon coffee outlet and sat there, taking pictures and giggling with each other.  When the coffee arrived, I was delighted to see that it came with awesome latte art and goldfish-alike crackers that included other marine species too!

Proper pictures soon, but for now, I'm going to enjoy one of the other great pleasures of going on holiday - coming back to your very own bed. 

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