Saturday, August 2, 2014


Among the random things that are making me happy recently are a very girly, spontaneous manicure and round two of French lessons.  

The nails, well, I'm enough of a magpie that looking at something sparkly every day makes me smile.  And French?  Well, apart from loving the language and enjoying the daily interaction - every lesson is a revelation -, as a teacher, I relish three hours of not being the one at the front of the class.

Instead of exercising the eyes in the back of my head, I'm quite content to open my books, lean back and let someone else take the reins.  

(Plus, one of the teachers is pretty funny and I have an entire secret sidebar in my notebook for his daily jokes, for example, "When you use the reflexive, you are doing something to yourself.  Like I bathe myself, or I dress myself, but there is one verb you are not allowed to use on yourself: to argue.  Because you can't argue with yourself.  Unless you're Gollum."  Oh, you!)


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Say your peace, yo.

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